Sunday, March 3, 2013

Life According to Instagram

Holy Guacamole it's already March!
Where did the time go?!

I really love that February is such a short month.
Three days less of work? Heck yes! Who doesn't love that?

My week was pretty decent.
I kinda blew up Instagram trying to catch up on my February photo-a-day challenge...
(sorry again, friends)

Here's what happened this week according to Instagram...

Last Sunday was a lazy one.
Lounged around the house and admired the little things in life,
like an onion still growing
 and pretty flowers in the coolest vase ever
(can be found here)

Apparently only Bruno being adorable happened...

Was greeted in the morning by a gorgeous creation by Jack Frost,
 had an easy afternoon practicing letters at work,
 and enjoyed this little lady's company in the evening.

Woke up to this fat kitty who can hardly can see over his belly,
 and confessed that I want a pet chicken.

Woke up to a snow covered ground,

 did some possible tattoo designs for Sara,
 and received some happy mail from my bestest friend, Anne!

Ate cheesecake because I deserved it,
 and had a great family game night.
 I think Beany likes Pictionary as much as I do!

Mom and I went shopping, came home, made goulash and then I got a little crafty.
 Whoever discovered that the end of a celery stalk bunch looked like a rose, is a genius!
 I also made a birthday card for Papa Bear.
(his birthday's Monday!)

Hope you had a good week, friends!
Happy Sunday!



  1. Awwww so many cute kitties :) And I love the homemade cards!

  2. Thank you so much! And thanks a million for stopping by =)
