Thursday, September 26, 2013

What's making me smile... [No.7]

Today's Blogtember post is to go to a coffee shop, order a favorite drink and write about what makes you happy and what makes you sad. Or anything you'd like.

Unfortuately, I probably won't be able to make it to a coffee shop today.  I hardly slept last night and wasn't feeling well so I skipped out on work and decided to stay home to get some things done (and hopefully bake cookies).  Here's a list of some things that have made me smile this past week...

These book page walls found here.

A simple reminder.

katefunk's etsy is awesome.
Now only if I can get Bruno to dress up....


  1. I LOVE sad cat diary. I showed it to my coworkers and we all got a good laugh out of it :)
    I hope your Thursday has been wonderful!

    1. Aren't they hysterical?! And so accurate too.

  2. Oh. My. Gaaaaaawwwwd. Cat pictures! Too cute!

    lol oops I so totally forgot that I was supposed to tell you... HEY! I nominated you for the Shine On Award! Lol. But you already knew that :P totally understand if you don't feel like participating, as some bloggers find them a bit of a pain :) but I love your blog, so there! heehee

    1. I'm so honored you nominated me! I'll definitely participate :)

      Thanks so, so much!!

  3. Replies
    1. Isn't it?! Makes me want to accomplish crazy awesome things in life!
