Saturday, March 30, 2013

23 before 24: the official list

Welp, I'm officially 23.
I don't feel any different other than the IMMENSE amount of gratitude I have after everything that happened yesterday, which has carried onto today and probably will continue throughout all my days.
I was feeling so grateful, so blessed, so loved that I cried at one point last night.
It would be literally impossible to count all my blessings. I have WAY too many.

I plan on making a special post about my day, but that'll probably come after the holiday. 
Here's a little taste of something that happened...
yeah, they blindfolded me and took me somewhere AWESOME!

But anyways, a couple days ago I shared this post about making some goals for myself for this year.
I wanted to show you my completed list of 23 before 24!

1. Thank God for what he's given me every single day
2. Take a girl's road trip to visit Aunt Laurie & Uncle Chris in Florida!
3. Get crafty as much as possible (at least 10 new crafts)
4. Watch a meteor shower from start to finish
5. Finish knitting a scarf
7. Apply for a teaching job in Florida...(why not? I have nothing to lose!)
8. Get a great beach bod (before summer) maybe next year...
9. When life's throwing me curve balls...remember to BREATHE!
10. Take day trips/drives...explore wny
11. Visit friends more (near & far)
12. Get organized, damnit.
13. Cook more for Mama & Papa Bear (10 new recipes)
14. Yoga. Yoga. Yoga.
15. Get that Hummingbird tattoo with Sara & Katie
16. Go out with friends more (karaoke?)
17. Do a random act of kindness every month day!
18. Buy a plant and keep it alive
19. Be more confident
20. Host a Pinterest inspired dinner party (thanks Bonnie!)
21. Learn to like beer (I currently think it's repulsive but it's so much cheaper!)
22. Take photobooth pictures as much as possible!
23. Draw or paint everyday

And there ya have it!
23 before 24...readyyy, GO!



  1. I LOVE it! Such a great list :) You rock! Happy belated birthday too.

    1. Thanks KB! And thanks again for the fantastic idea =)
